Mid-Century Furniture


Martel: Australia’s leading upholstering specialist in mid-century modernist furniture.
Martel’s real point of difference from other upholsterers is its unmatched expertise and experience with mid-twentieth century modernist furniture.

As the preferred upholsterer for many of Melbourne’s top mid-century retailers such as Great Dane, Angelucci and Geoffrey Hatty Applied Arts, Martel has developed expertise in this area like no other upholsterer. 

The area includes 1950s and 160s Scandinavian classics (Wegner, Mogenson. Finn Juhl et al), post war Australian classics (Featherston, Krimper, Rosando, Zoureff, Fler and Parker), deco and mid-European furniture from the1920s and 30s, American (Eames, Knoll) and Italian (B&B Italia, Zanuso, Bellini).

With furniture from this area Martel avoids recreating a “retro” look and uses fabrics from top fabric houses to ensure the finished pieces sit comfortably in contemporary settings.

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